Statistical Inference-Notes-Part4-Lehmann Scheffe Theorem

Keywords: Lehmann-Scheffe Theorem, Sufficient statistics, Minimal Sufficient statistics, Complete statistics, Lehmann Scheffe Theorem, Rao-Blackwell Theorem

1. A review of Sufficient statistics

1.1 The definitions of Sufficient statistics

Lemma: Let $t(x)$ denote some function of x. Then the following are equivalent:

(1) There exist functions $h(x)$ and $g(t; \theta)$ such that

$f(x; \theta) = h(x) g(t(x); \theta)$

(2) If $t(x) = t(x^\prime)$, for the likelihood ratio defined $lr(x) = \frac{f(x; \theta_1)}{f(x;\theta_2)}$, we can conclude that

$lr(x) = lr(x^\prime)$

Proof: (1) $\xrightarrow{}$ (2) is obvious.

(2) $\xrightarrow{}$ (1):

For some parameter $\theta_0 \in \Theta$, we can conclude that $f(x; \theta_1) = f(x; \theta_0) g^{*}(t(x), \theta_1, \theta_0)$. Let $h(x) = f(x; \theta_0)$ and $g(t(x), \theta_1) = g^{*}(t(x), \theta_1, \theta_0)$, which is exactly of the from of (1).

Definition: The statistic $T = T(x)$ is sufficient for $\theta$ is the distribution of $X$, conditional on $T(X) = t$, is independent of $\theta$. The two criteria for sufficiency are:

(a) Factorization Theorem: $t(X)$ is sufficient for $\theta$ if and only if Lemma.1 holds.

(b) Likelihood ratio Criterion: $T(x)$ is sufficient for $\theta$ if and only if Lemma.2 holds.

Note that the sufficient statistics may have different dimension of $\theta$.

1.2 The minimal sufficient statistics

We want to find a ‘minimal’ sufficient statistics that include all the sufficient statistics, i.e. there exist a function mapping from sufficient statistics to the minimal sufficient statistics.

Lemma: If T and S are minimal sufficient statistics, then there exist injective functions $g_1$ and $g_2$ such that $T = g_1(S)$ and $S = g_2(T)$.

The injective function means for any $y_1, y_2 \in Y$, for the function $X \xrightarrow{} Y$, if $y_1 = y_2$, then $x_1 = x_2$.

Proof: The definition of minimal sufficient statistics means that there exist functions $g_1$ and $g_2$, such that $T = g_1(S)$, $S = g_2(T)$. Consider $x_1, x_2$ s.t. $T(x_1) = g_1(S(x_1)) = g_2(S(x_2)) = T(x_2)$, therefore $S(x_1) = g_1(T(x_1)) = g_1(T(x_2)) = S(x_2)$.

Theorem: A necessary and sufficient condition for a statistic $T(X)$ to be minimal sufficient is that

$T(x) = T(x^\prime)$ if and only if $\Lambda_x(\theta_1, \theta_2) = \Lambda_{x^\prime}(\theta_1, \theta_2)$ for all $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$.

This theorem shows that $x = x^{\prime}$ iff they define the same likelihood ratio for any $\theta_1, \theta_2 \in Theta$. Note that the conclusion only holds in a finite Euclidean space.

2. Completeness

A sufficient statistic $T(X)$ is complete if for any real measurable function $g$,

$\mathbb{E}_{\theta}[g(T)] = 0$ for all $\theta$.


$\textbf{Pr}(g(T) = 0) = 1$ for all $\theta$.

3. Lehmann-Scheffe Theorem

Suppose $X$ has density $f(x; \theta)$ and $T(X)$ is sufficient and complete for $\theta$. Then $T$ is minimal sufficient.

Suppose $T(X)$ is a sufficient statistic for $\theta$, and let $f_{T}(t; \theta)$ be a complete family. If $\varphi$: $\mathbb{E}[\varphi(Y)] = \theta$ then $\varphi(Y)$ is the unique MVUE of $\theta$. (The optimality can be easily proved by Rao-Blackwell. The uniqueness is determined by the complete family. )


4. Convex loss function and Rao-Blackwell Theorem

Suppose we want to estimate a real-valued parameter $\theta$ with an estimator $d(X)$. Suppose the loss function is a convex function of $d$ for each $\theta$. Let $d_1(X)$ be an unbiased estimator for $\theta$ and suppose $T$ is a sufficient statistic. Then the estimator $\mathcal{X}(T) = \mathbb{E}\{d_1(X)|T\}$ (充分性保证了这里还是充分统计量的函数, T的结构不会被破坏) is also unbiased and is at least as good as $d_1$.

Proof: $\mathcal{X}(T)$ is unbiased from the tower law.

$\mathbb{E}(\mathcal{X}(T)) = \mathbb{E}\{d_1(X)|T\} = \mathbb{E}_{\theta} d_1(X) = \theta$.

For the risk function, we have

$R(\theta, d_1) = \mathbb{E}_{\theta}\{L(\theta, d_1(X))\} = \mathbb{E}_{\theta}\{\mathbb{E}[L(\theta, d_1(X))|T]\} \ge \mathbb{E}_{\theta}[L(\theta, \mathcal{X}(T))] = R(\theta, \mathcal{X}(T))$ (注意倒数第二步使用了Jenson 不等式和充分统计量的定义/性质)


Essentials of Statistics Inference

Statistical Inference-Notes-Part5-Likelihood method Statistical Inference-Notes-Part3-Hypothesis Testing


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